Minggu, 12 April 2015

Chruch decoration : Ordinary Mass on July 2014

Hello guys.. i'm back with Chruch Decoration. i've forgot when its made.This image certainly taken years agoexactly on July, placed in St. Franciscus Xaverius Chruch. This Decoration is European style, because the flowers are Centered in one place.

in Front Altar Decorations
 This Mass is the Mass ordinary week so using a liturgical color green symbolizes hope and fertility .
in front of Psalmist table

St. Mary Statue Arranggements

in front of Tabernacle

In front of Jesus Christ Satue

in front of St. Franciscus Xaveius Decoration

Looks Overall of the inside of the chruch

I thank to Mrs. Wulansari from St. Mark, Who has bought flowers and entusted me to arange that flower. thank you so much Mrs. Wulansari. 

Senin, 06 April 2015

Church decorations : Acceptance of the Sacrament of Chrism Mass

Altar St. Franscicus Xaveius Church at 3th of December 2015
designed by Mrs. Herlin. it was for decorations Confirmation Mass

in front of Psalmist 

in front of St. Mary Statue

in front of Tabernacle

details of altar arranggement..

arranggement beside Sedilia ( Preist Chair )

flower compotition : White Garbera, Rose of  Avalance, White aster, purple aster, purple lolipop, palms leafs, sansivea leaf, sirih gading leaf, etc...

this Mass was held at the advent , so the flowers are used white and purple as well as a simpler than usual..